This page contains a list of cemeteries located in Jackson County Minnesota. This list is organized by Township. (alphabetical list) Coordinates indicate where according to the township plat the cemetery is/was located (once you have the coordinates, you can look at the maps page to find this cemetery). For many of the cemeteries, the Jackson County Historical Society has records available at the museum in Lakefield. Please contact them for more information. Status key:
The list of cemeteries below also contains some links to an individual page for that cemetery. I am collecting and assembling individual cemetery pages as I acquire or take headstone photos. If you have any headstone photos please feel free to email me them so I may include them, or start a new cemetery page if there is not one. Photo/image filename conventions:....renaming your files. If you have several image/photo files to send me, it is appreciated if your photo files are named in respect to the the content of the photo. An example is, let's say you have a headstone photo of John Doe, a filename for the photo would typically be something like doe_john_headstone.jpg (etc). If your file is "DSC1001.jpg" or "IMG3227.jpg" or "headstone.jpg", or several photos named "headstone a", headstone b", (etc), then it becomes more difficult to properly sort through the files because it would require actually looking at the photo to determine who or what the photo is of. Properly named files also make it MUCH more easier to sort or search. If I want to search my hard drive for headstone photos, or headstone photos of surname DOE, the process becomes so much easier when the filenames actually have some description or meaning AND match my search criteria. Do not be discouraged if you are not comfortable or have time to do this. I still invite your photos. Additionally, there is a good article on this page which provides additional filename information which details other reasons why your files should be named a specific way...including no_spaces_between_words in your filename, etc. Check it out. Some Jackson Co cemetery records are listed here on Coleen Mielke's genealogy website. Click on Misc Minnesota Cemeteries. Coleen, a resident of Alaska, also has extensive listings for neighboring counties as well as others in Minnesota, and other states as well. If you find any useful information, or are just generally as impressed by her dedication as I am, let Coleen know. She has obviously put a lot of time into her online listings. Thanks, Coleen! Paul Hanson, who was born in Jackson and has a number of family tree members connected to Jackson county, has a number of cemetery and headstone photos listed here on here on his Flickr photo website. Some surnames in Pauls' family tree are Groshens, Guritz, Rosenbrook, Lucht, Foshage, Walters, Eggimann, Gazda, Kalmbrum, Williams, Theis, Temlitz, Watland, Jacobsen, Olsen, Hansen. Check out Valerie Lafrenz and Jen Johnsons' website The Grave Site.net. Val, Jen and other family members have visited a number of cemeteries around the midwest, with a particular interest in the small family, farm or forgotten/neglected cemeteries that exist. Another website with connections to Jackson County can be found on Jesse Clarke's website. Visit the online Vietnam Veterans Memorial virtual wall for Jackson County natives from Jackson and Okabena. The cemetery is a very humbling place. Unfortunately we will all ultimately end up in one. Please respect the cemetery when you visit, and let us not forgot our loved ones who are there. Those interred for their final rest have a story which goes with them. Let us remember them and preserve their history and stories for future generations. If it were not for our ancestors, we would not be here.
If you have information to add or corrections, click here to email me at mnjackso@gmail.com. If you would like to volunteer to transcribe a cemetery,