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Jackson County, MN
Society Pages

The Lakefield Standard Lakefield, Minnesota

Thursday, June 27, 1912.


  • Bradford H. STROM left last week for Sioux Falls, S.D., where he will enter a business college for a course of study.
  • Miss Emma TOLLEFSON came down from St. Paul and spent a few days at the homeof her sister, Mrs. Frank DILLMAN.
  • Mrs. B.F. ELLIS and children, of Rock Valley, Iowa came for a visit with their many relatives and friends in this city.
  • Mr. and Mrs. A.G. BREHOLZ who have been residents of this city for the past six months, have gone to Spirit Lake to reside.
  • Alfred PLUM is spending a two weeks', vacation with his parents west of town. He has a good position at Mason City, Iowa.
  • Chris JENSEN, of Des Moines township, is the latest farmer to own an automobile. Mr. JENSEN has tied his faith to a Ford touring car.
  • The many friends of Mrs. W.T. MUIR will be pleased to learn that she is again able to be up and around after a couple of weeks of serious illness.
  • Adelbert WALLACE arrived home from his college studies at Ames, Iowa, and has accepted a position with Surveyor C.W. GOVE for the summer.
  • Old Jackson friends of Harvey MUIR will regret to learn that he is quarantined [sic] at his home in Rogers, Nebraska, with a severe attack of smallpox.
  • A number of young lady friends of Miss Grace KING planned a happy "shower" on that young lady and she was the recipient of many pretty pieces of linen.
  • Chas. CUNNINGHAM, who has been making his home at New Market, Mo., the past eight months, has returned to old Jackson county, the home of plenty.
  • Geo. MOORE was at Madison, Wis., where he witnessed the graduation exercises at the state university at which time his son Georgie graduated with high honors.
  • Work on the new high school building is progressing nicely. The brick layers have the work nearly completed and the carpenters have already begun work. Jackson's new high school building will be one of the finest in the state.
  • A number of our citizens interested in good roads, have raised a sum of money to be used in dragging and graveling the roads between Jackson and the lakes. W.M. HUNT and Chas. MESSER have been engaged to do the work which is a guarantee that it will be done well.
  • The many Jackson friends of Mr. and Mrs. A.T. MILLER, who are now located at Baer, Oregon, will learn with sincere sorrow of the death of their infant child. Mrs. A. WARNE, mother of Mrs. MILLER, who has been visiting at Baer the past two months, is expected home in a few days.
  • At a meeting of the Commercial club held Tuesday evening it was decided to purchase one or more gravel pits and to make a determined effort to put the roads leading into Jackson in better condition. The Commercial club is all right and should have the assistance of every loyal citizen of Jackson.
  • Mr. and Mrs. J.F. GROVE arrived in Jackson from their home at Mishawika, Indiana, and will spend the summer visiting at the homes of their two sons in Wisconsin township. Mr. GROVE expects to put in a part of his time erecting new buildings and making improvements on his fine farm east of town.


  • W. JARMUTH, of Heron Lake, spent Sunday with his parents. He came via auto.
  • Services were held as usual in the town hall Sunday. Rev. McCAUSLAND conducting.
  • F.J. MOTL went to St. Paul the fore part of the week for a few days' visit with his sister at that place.
  • Mrs. CLAYTON and daughter, Mrs. D.M. HUGHES, who have been enjoying a week's visit with their son and brother, F. CLAYTON, returned to their home at Burlington Junction, Mo., Monday.
  • A number of baseball enthusiasts gathered at the home of F. CLAYTON Sunday and organized a team. No particulars could be obtained, but according to reports they will play Belmont at Brownsburg Sunday

South of Town

  • John BRING left Saturday for a few days' visit at Bertha, Nebraska
  • Alex SCHUNEMAN autoed to Estherville Sunday with Cleve STILLWELL.
  • Mott MILLER autoed out to Mr. BRINGS last Friday from Spirit Lake.
  • Several from this vicinity attended the show in Spirit Lake last Saturday evening.
  • Dr. BLANKENBURG, of Lakefield, was called out to J. BRING's farm Sunday evening.
  • Mr. and Mrs. BRINGHAM, Mr. and Mrs. TYRE spent Sunday afternoon at Jos. NOLAND's.
  • Mrs. TYRE, Mrs. BRINGHAM and Mrs. B.C. STILLWELL spent Tuesday with Mrs. Jode NOLAND.
  • Quite a crowd attended the ice cream social given at the Baptist basement last Friday evening.
  • Mr. and Mrs. Cleve STILLWELL, of Spirit Lake, visited Mrs. George SCHUNEMAN one day last week.
  • Remember the B.Y.P.U. at the Baptist church Sunday evening. Fred TYRE will lead the meeting.
  • Lester STEVENS of Maplehill, Iowa, visited in Spirit Lake and in this vicinity the latter part of last week.
  • Miss Lila BRINGHAM has resigned her position in the Western Electric telephone office and is home at present.
  • Don NOLAND spent Saturday at W.M. BRINGHAM's. Mrs. Fred TYRE was also a caller there at the same time.

Four Corners

  • It's warming up.
  • Had your piece of cherry pie?
  • John GAGE, autoed out to Four Corners Sunday.
  • John and Mike MICHLOS were in Jackson Sunday.
  • Charles BUERSCH played ball with Lakefield Sunday.
  • Men and teams are busy improving the roads around Four Corners.
  • BUERSCH Bros. purchased a fine new buggy of James ROST last week.
  • Quite a few took in the ball games in Lakefield Thursday and Sunday.
  • Herman OELKE was a business caller at the county seat Thursday.
  • The Belmont creamery will hold a picnic for its patrons to-day, June 27.
  • Four Corners was well represented at the farmers' celebration Thursday.
  • The R.H.V. bunch held a "fanning bee" at BUERSCH's Sunday night.
  • James BUERSCH and Walter OELKE attended the Clear Lake Middletowngame.

East Des Moines

  • F.H. GRAY and family of Madison came for a few days' visit with relatives here.
  • Misses Petra and Jennie OTTERSON, gave a party to a few of their young friends recently.
  • Miss Minnie ANDERSON met with an accident by being thrown from a horse which she was riding.
  • Albert ANDERSON has treated the house which he recently purchased of H.L. STROM, to a coat of paint.
  • Mike HOBAN bought the forty-acre tract of land in East Des Moines formerly owned by T.J. KNOX, of Jackson.
  • Herman EVENSON left for Glenwood, Iowa, last week to attend the Synod conference, where he was sent as a delegate.

West Side Des Moines

  • Will CADY, of Lakefield, called on his parents recently.
  • Mrs. A. KADERABEK has had lightning rods put on her house.
  • Mr. and Mrs. OELKE were over Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bert ALDRICH, at Clear Lake.
  • Mr. Albert LEV is building a new brick residence. When completed it will be one of the finest in this part of the country.


  • Raymond ARP, who is working for Fred SADERS, visited his parents in Jackson.
  • Fred THUMER left last week for St. Paul where he will make his home in the future with his son Fred.
  • The lecture given at the Evangelical church by Rev. C.W. STARK was well attended and everybody was well pleased.
  • Mr. and Mrs. A. GRUNLKE and daughter Evalyn, of Jackson, attended the lecture given at the Evangelical church.
  • D.G. EGGESTEIN and wife and Mrs. Wm. EGGESTEIN accompanied by Rev. C.W. STARK drove to Loon Lake to listen to the lecture by Mr. STARK.
  • Mr. and Mrs. Joe CAVINESS gave a dance on the 15th to a number of their friends and neighbors in honor of the latter's cousin, Mrs. Freda KELLY, of Chicago.
  • The Sunday school of the Evangelical church has decided to have a Fourth of July picnic again this year, to be held at J.J. MILLER's grove. Everybody invited to attend.

Loon Lake

  • Lester STEVENS, who had been visiting his brother, Ralph, has returned to his home in Maple Grove, Iowa.
  • Misses Pearl ALLEN and Bertha UPTAGRAFFT [sic] drove over to Alpha one day to visit the latter's sister, Alice, who is at Mrs. SEELYE's.
  • While returning from Maple Hill, Iowa, recently Ralph STEVENS had the misfortune to have his driving horse die suddenly at Spirit Lake.
  • One Sunday afternoon, recently while the UPTAGRATFF [sic] family were all away from home, someone entered the house and going through the upstairs misplaced the arrangement of every bed and mixed things up unpleasantly. They are all at sea in knowing who were the transgressors.


  • Mr. Philip HILL, who has been seriously ill, is slowly recovering.
  • Mrs. Jno KATUS entertained some of her friends Saturday afternoon.
  • Johnny SPAFFORD attended his brother's wedding at Mineapolis [sic] last week.
  • Mrs. SEITHER is able to be out again after her winter's confinement. She accompanied Mr. and Mrs. W. G. MALCHOW to Jackson on Monday.
  • June bottle hanging is at it's height now, but if anyone thinks it fun running thru a grove with a hot pursuer after him, ask Dude about it.
  • Mr. GIBBS, of Boscoville, Wis., came to the home of his brother-in-law, H.C. BLISS, the first of the week and gave them a pleasant surprise.
  • L.R. RUNKE with his wife in their Ford and Mr. MALCHOW and family in their Imperial went to Mankato on Saturday returning by way of Mapleton on Sunday.
  • Friends of George GIBB will be interested to know that he has a good position in a store at Sibley, Iowa, for the summer. He will teach near Jackson in the coming year.
  • The many friends of Julius WILL Sr. gathered at his home June 22nd to help him celebrate his birthday. The Round Lake band furnished the music and the day was pleasantly spent.
  • Miss Nellie WHITE, a former Wilder girl but who had been a milliner in a wholesale millinery store in St. Paul for several years, was married last Wednesday to Mr. KROUSE, a business man of Mapleton. Wilder friends wish them all happiness.
  • Rev. A.A. ROUSHAUSEN, a former pastor of the Methodist church here, was recently married at Woodstock. On Sunday he with his bride was in Bingham Lake where he delivered an excellent address to his admirers here. Messers and Mesdames Chas. MALCHOW and F.E. MALCHOW of this place autoed over to hear him.


  • Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Hie GERDES, Tuesday, a boy.
  • Ellie UDEN made a business trip to Lakefield Friday.
  • The older folks are planning to celebrate the 4th at A. CORDES' home.
  • Miss Zoe SMALLEY, of Lakefield, visited her friends here last week.
  • Albert ALBERTENSON and Jno KATUS were at Jackson Monday on business.
  • Fred BLODGETT arrived home Monday, from a three weeks' visit with friends in Illinois.
  • Miss Eleanor BRUIEM, who has been visiting here with friends, left for her home in Starbuck, Minn., Tuesday.
  • Mrs. John KATUS and daughters Susan and Clara, and Mrs. BLODGETT and daughter Doris, visited Mrs. Allen BOWERS Friday.
  • The Round Lake and Jackson ball teams will cross bats June 30th, at Jackson. It will be remembered that Andy CORDES and Johnny GERDES two Ewingtonians play with the Round Lake nine.
  • Miss Nellie JOY, of Minneapolis, and Frank SPORRAY were married in the brides home Tuesday, June 17. The bride will be remembered as a successful teacher in district 54, while the groom is one of Ewington's most highly respected young men.
  • The most successful picnic of the season was held at DIEHN's Sunday when a party of young folks including SPENCERS, HILLS, KATUS, Anna BAUMAN, Harvey EGGRU, Henry CORDES, Mary GUNTHER, and Eleanor BRUIEM gathered at the lake for a day's enjoyment. The weather was fine, they all marched in line to the place where they all dine. The dinner was great, the coffee and eggs being boiled there. The picnic was such a success.

Submitted by: Colleen Boose

This page was last modified: Saturday, October 19, 2002