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Jackson County, MN
Society Pages

The Lakefield Standard Lakefield, Minnesota

Thursday, November 14, 1912.


  • Mrs. John GERDES was a guest of Mrs. John KATUS Tuesday.
  • Mrs. Herman MEINHARD spent Thursday with her parents in Heron Lake.
  • Henry CHRISTOFFER and Ted UDEN were Sunday visitors at Will MEYERS'.
  • Mrs. G.H. SMITH and daughter, Lucile, are spending the week at Hugh McNAB's.
  • Glen PIGMAN, of North Dakota, is now numbered with the husking force in this vicinity.
  • Mr. and Mrs. John KATUS were in Lakefield Sunday to visit their daughter, Clara, and other relatives.
  • W.R. STORM, of Carroll, Iowa, who had been a guest at the BLODGETT home for a few days, returned to his home Tuesday.
  • Mr. and Mrs. Charles GEHRKE and children, also Mr. and Mrs. Rob DAVIS and son, all of Worthington, were recent guests at the SPAFFORD home.
  • Mrs. John CHRISTOFFER was operated on for appendicitis at the hospital in Worthington last Monday. Reports from her bedside are very encouraging.
  • Mr. and Mrs. Fred WEST entertained with a seven o'clock dinner last Monday night. Covers were laid for eleven and a very pleasant time is reported.
  • The half section of land owned by Messrs. WATERS and HARRISON, of Waterloo, Iowa, and now occupied by Allen BOWERS, was recently sold to a party in Iowa, consideration being ninety dollars per acre.
  • H.F. KLUEVER, Sr. expected a cousin from Germany the past few days.
  • F.D. PALMER and Nels JOHNSON were passengers for Emmetsburg, Iowa, last week.
  • Hie GERDES averaged 100 bushels a day for one week for Sam SMITH, he is 'some' corn picker.
  • Glen PIGMAN, who had been in South Dakota the past four years, returned the other day. He has been husking corn for A. BOWERS.

Round Lake

  • D.R. CHANY is having a barn built, 16X20.
  • Leta BROCKWAY last week entertained her sister, who teaches at Calumet, Iowa.
  • Mrs. SCHWARTING has returned from a three weeks visit with relatives and friends in eastern Iowa.
  • The Presbyterian Ladies Aid society held a bazaar and served supper election day and took in $103.46.
  • U. and J. HEYEN are building a barn 32X40 for M.B. MILLER. The posts are 6X6, 18 foot and the HEYENS use an engine to raise them in place.
  • Mr. and Mrs. Herman WIESE were Jackson visitors last week. Mrs. W. going to consult Dr. PORTMAN. She was informed that her trouble was a light attack of appendicitis.
  • W.C. LEHMAN, a former resident here, now agent at Jasper, was married last week to Miss Lillie BRINKHOUSE at the bride's home near Rushmore. They took a honeymoon trip to Chicago.

Submitted by: Colleen Boose

This page was last modified: Saturday, October 19, 2002