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The Lakefield Standard Lakefield, Minnesota

Volume XXV, Number 23
Thursday, June 4, 1908


Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway

No.1 Sioux Falls and way ll:l6 a. m.
No. 23 Egan and way 7:55 p.m.


No. 22 Twin cities and way and Lacrosse and way 5:42 a m.
No. 8 Twin cities and way and LaCrosse and way 2:24p.m.


  • Miss Lou Weber returned home Friday.
  • Homer Alcott went to Minneapolis Saturday.
  • Felix Kalash left Tuesday evening for Gregory, S.D.
  • E. Lewis made a business trip to Jackson Tuesday.
  • Mrs. James Emerson and children went to Blue Earth Friday.
  • Car load of cedar fence posts just received at the Farmers Elevator.
  • Gage Bros. sell Mason City Best Clay Tile at wholesale and retail prices.
  • Mrs. L.L. Stewart, of Huntley, was visiting friends in Lakefield Saturday.
  • Mrs. G.B. McMurtry went to Fairmont Friday to spend Sunday with friends.
  • Quite a large number of our people attended the Memorial exercises at Jackson Saturday.
  • Ed. VanCura and Dennis Murphy came home from Minneapolis Monday evening.
  • Mrs. W. P. Kenevan, accompanied by her sister. came from Minnesota Lake Tuesday evening.
  • Prof. F. E. Sprout left Sunday for Minneapolis and Hill City to look after his interests there.
  • Mrs. W. I. Alcott went to Minneapolis Tuesday to visit her sister and son Dolph for several days.
  • Mrs. F. E. Sprout left Tuesday for her former home, Minneota, where she will spend the summer.
  • Al. Levenick returned to his home in Blue Earth City Saturday. From there he expects to go to North Dakota.
  • Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Johnsrud, of Albert Lea, are here visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Johnsrud.
  • Mrs. C.M. Tradewell and her mother Mrs. Arthur came from Spirit Lake Friday. Mrs. Arthur will spend the summer in Lakefield.
  • H.A. Eames, of Webster City, Iowa, came Monday to look after his interests here. Mr. Eames owns several fine farms in Jackson county.
  • The professional man who buys of an order house and a merchant who has his printing done out of town belong to the same lodge-same degree.
  • One half hour each day spent in diligent work will keep the lawn and premises surrounding any house in our town in apple-pie order, and make our little city the garden spot of our fair state.
  • The Standard was in error last week in. stating that Dr. Hellen would be absent for a month. He went to Webster City Monday to spend a day or two and will return this week and be ready to answer all calls in the veterinary line.
  • No little city in the state of like size offers such educational advantages. Our citizens have spared no expense in the erection of buildings that are inviting and comfortable and offer a school home that any one can be proud of.
  • We heard a man the other day kicking for a chance to work. That man was a false alarm. No man who wants work these days need to be without employment ten hours. There is all kinds of work in this district, and good wages can be secured by good men.
  • There is nothing particularly alarming about the present wet weather. We have more or less of it every spring and .Jackson county usually comes out with a good crop. For land sakes lets not borrow trouble-it will come of its own accord if we wait and while the farmers on low lands are somewhat handicapped about getting in their corn crop it will do no good to worry.
  • The contract for Judicial Ditch No.3 was let at Jackson to Minneapolis parties on Tuesday and the contract for laying drain tile in the branches was let to Nels Quevli, John Grein and John Frederickson. The contract for the construction of the open ditch was let for 48 per cent of the estimated benefits and including all preliminary expenses at about 54 per cent of the estimated benefits,. and adding to this the expenses incident to the supervison by engineer of the contsruction of the ditch the total cost, when ditch is finally completed will probably be almost 55 per cent. of the estimated benefits. We understand that work on the project will begin soon and possibly will be completed before it freezes up.
  • Gilbert Rue was at Jackson Saturday.
  • Geo. Kinney made a trip to Des Moines Saturday.
  • H. C. Rue, of Jackson, spent Sunday in Lakefield.
  • Peter N. Kruse, of Okabena, was in town Saturday.
  • Mrs. A. VanCura visited friends at Jackson Saturday.
  • Mrs. J. G. B visited friends at Jackson Saturday.
  • J.C. Caldwell made a business trip to Jackson Tuesday.
  • Misses Anna and Mabel Olsen spent Sunday at Jackson.
  • E. A. Rogers returned to his home in St. Peter Monday.
  • Mrs. S. M. Child and son Arthur were at Jackson Thursday.
  • Mr. and Mrs. Mike McGlin visited friends at Kinbrae Tuesday.
  • The sun actually shone for several hours yesterday afternoon.
  • Eric Johnson went to Pipestone Monday returning Wednesday.
  • Miss Helliwell returned to her home in Minneapolis Tuesday.
  • Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Mansfield made a trip to Fairmont Saturday.
  • A. E. Hauge, of Radcliff, Iowa, is spending several days in Lakefield.
  • Mrs. R.H. Lueneburg visited relatives at Jackson Friday and Saturday.
  • Mrs. Geo. Milburn and children returned to Lakefield Tuesday afternoon.
  • W. D. White, of Bisbee, N. D., came yesterday to visit his brother Frank.
  • Capt. Jareb Palmer attended the Memorial exercises at Jackson Saturday.
  • P. McDonough, of Grand Meadow was visiting friends in Lakefield Friday.
  • Mrs. Joe Kalash and children left Friday for their future home, Gregory, S. D.
  • O. J. Roram. of Radcliff, Iowa, came Thursday to spend a few days in Lakefield.
  • Lou Dubetz, of Garry, Ind., came Tuesday to visit his brother Sam for a few days.
  • Matt Willing who has been teaching school at Edgerton returned to Lakefield Saturday.
  • Mr. and Mrs. Madland, of Radcliff, Iowa, are visiting relatives near Lakefield this week.
  • Grandpa John Sickler came up from Fairmont Monday to visit his daugher Mrs. S.R. Dubetz.
  • Misses Gertie and Myrtle Anderson went to Fairmont Saturday to spend Sunday with their aunt.
  • For Mason City Clay and Sherburn Cement Tile at wholesale and retail prices. See Gage Bros.
  • There will be English services at the German Lutheran church of this place next Sunday evening.
  • Mrs. D. W. St. John and children, of Hamilton, came Thursday evening to visit the L. J. Britsch family.
  • Attorney O. Thoreson made a trip to Jackson Monday on business connected with Judicial Ditch No.3.
  • Rev Emil Ulbreht arrived last week and is installed as pastor of the German Lutheran congregation of Rost.
  • Frank Kalash returned Friday from Gregory, S.D., where he assisted his father in opening up his meat market.
  • G.H. Wood and Cliff Darr were down to Fox Lake on a fishing trip Saturday and brought home a fine string of croppies.
  • Miss Helen Hill, of Watertown, S. D., came Saturday for a couple of months visit with her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.M. St. John.
  • Special closing out stile of Ladies and Misses trimmed hats commencing Saturday June 6. Come in and get these goods at your own price. Mrs. Snure.
  • The Misses McGrew, Parks, Larsen, Hall and Schultz returned to their respective homes Saturday having finished their labors in the public schools here.
  • A slight change in the passenger time schedule took effect Sunday. Passenger train No.8 going east formerly left at 2:33 and under the new time leaves at 2:24.
  • A telegram to S.M. Child Tuesday announced the death of Mr. C.B. Rouse of Minot, N.D. Monday. The remains will arrive in Lakefield on Friday and the funeral will be held from the M.E. church here.
  • Mrs. A.C. Bell returned from Minneapolis Friday where she had been taking care of her daughter Jennie, who is recovering nicely from an operation for appendicitis and will soon be able to leave the hospital.
  • The Villa Grove school closed last Friday, May 15th, when the school accompanied by the teacher and a few of their friends spent the day at Valley View springs. The term just closed has been very successful and we understand that the teacher, Mr. E. B. McColm, has been re-employed for next year. Saguache (Colorado)


The commencement exercises of the Lakefield High School were held in the auditorium Friday evening, May 29th. The people of Lakefield have always shown interest in the graduating exercises, but this year the attendance seemed even larger than usual. Every available foot of space in the hall was occupied. The class of 1908, the faculty and the school board had seats on the platform, and the pretty dresses, the colors and the decorations made a charming picture. The Lakefield, orchestra had several numbers on the program. The music was well selected and faultlessly executed.

The exercises were opened by an invocation by Rev. A. C. Petrie. Alfred Mahre, the salutetorian of the class, followed with an address of welcome. Mr. Mahre has a good presence and delivery and his remarks were well received. Misses Milburn and Helliwell executed a piano and organ duet an overture from William Tell. J. A. Mansfield, the speaker of the occasion delivered an address on the “Patriotism of Service.” Mr. Mansfield sustained the reputation he has gained as a public speaker. His address was timely and effective. He held the interest and attention of the audience throughout. The addess appears in full on the first page of this paper. After a solo by Miss Esterre Powell, Palmer O. Johnson the valedictorian, said good bye for the class. He remembered his class mates, teachers, school board and the parents. To each he expressed the appreciation of the class for favors received and in behalf to the class expressed their thank. Superintendent F.E. Sprout then presented the class with their diplomas. Palmer Johnson, M. Alfred Mahre, Lillian A. Britsch, Pansy V. Best, Edwin F. Wood and C. Leroy Stone were the graduates. Felix Kalash then sang a bass solo, following which President of the board A. M. St. John presented the Dr. Hansen medal. Miss Gretta Rhodes of the eighth grade having received the highest average grade throughout the year carried away the handsome prize. The high school double quartette and high school male quartet sang several selections, more music by the orchestra and the exercises were over The class of 1908 had passed into history and another successful school year had ended.

  • The Norwegian Lutheran Young People’s Society will have an old fashioned 4th of July celebration this year. They. will begin their program at the church on the evening of the 3rd and continue it at Wagnild’s Point on the 4th and closing at the church on Sunday the 5th. The program will be announced later
  • J. E. Foss arrived this week from Mankato and is engaged as manager of the store of the Jackson Co Co-operative Co. which will open for business Saturday. Mr. Foss has a great deal of experience in the mercantile business having formerly run a store at Heron Lake and the Co-operative Company is fortunate in securing his services.
  • No town will become a good business center so long as its business men rely on a few merchants to make the effort to bring trade to town. Too often the men in a few lines of trade are about the only ones that reach out after custom. Other merchants wait until these men induce the people to come to town and content themselves with trade that naturally drifts to their place. A public spirited man .should ask himself if he is doing his part to attract people to come to town to trade in helping the entire business community, and no town is a success unless all lines are working to extend the trade as far as possible and trying to bring a larger territory in the circles in which the town is the business center.

Methodist Church Notes.

  • The Ladies Aid Society meets with Mrs. Trickle on Thursday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock.
  • The Epworth League met on Tuesday evening and elected officers for the ensuing year. They are as follows: President, B. M. Clark; 1st vice president, Mrs. J.A. Levenick; 2nd vice president, Miss Lucy Frederickson 3d vice president, Mrs. Henry Wood; 4th vice resident, Miss Clara Frederickson; sec’y. Miss Janet Rhodes; treas., Miss Wilma Wood; organist, Miss Laura Trickel.
  • A large delegation will attend the convention at Worthington next week.
  • The subject of. the next Sunday morning sermon will be, “Is God, Discouraged With Men ?” In the evening the subject will be the second miracle, “The Healing of the Nobleman’s Son, or Faith and Health in Jesus Christ.”
  • The Queen Esther Circle will meet with Mrs. D, L. Riley next Tuesday afternoon at 3:00 oc’look,”

From our own Correspondent.

  • Neither absent or tardy for the past nine months in Dist. 48: Laura Schlapkohl, John Voss and Lulu Butterfield.
  • Miss Elsie Ottosen, of Jackson, is to teach the coming year in district 48. Miss Ottosen is a first grade teacher and taught last year in the Engle district.
  • Mrs. Della Best returned to Lakefield after a nine months school in district 48. Mrs. Best has been with us over four years and has made many friends who thank her for her kindness to the children and wish her success in her next school work.
  • We have two kinds of weather windy and wet and once in awhile for a change we have wind and rain together.
  • Henry Maltzen lost a valuable horse and colt last week.
  • Little Herbert Maltzen is sick.
  • Those who were disappointed about seeing the circus Wednesday had a circus going home in the wind, rain and hail. Every farm house between here and Lakefield had visitors but no one was hurt for which we must be thankful.
  • When Mr. Yappe and H. A. Clark got in that slough we just wonder if it was a piece of that Pittsburg wire or that boy that helped them out. It is pretty early for swimming.
  • Hans Voss and Chas. Schlapkohl went to Round Lake after the twine Tuesday. The prison twine is a cent higher than local buyers sell for this year.
  • Mr. And Mrs. Henry Garms visited their daughter Mrs. C. Wendle last week.
  • Arthur Rhor went to Minneapolis to visit his sister, Mrs. Rader.


  • Geo. Huber, who has had charge of the Breck Farming Department has severed his connection with it and left for Minneapolis Tuesday. George made a host of friends during his short stay here, and the best of wishes go with him.
  • Wm. H. Pond is attending a meeting of Breck school trustees this week which is being held in the twin cities.
  • A.G. Lane is gain at his old place of business as station agent. Lane is one of the most accommodating and the best informed agents Wilder has had the privilege to possess and we trust that the Omaha will decide to leave him here permanently.
  • Mr. And Mrs. J. C. Malchow spent Sunday with Mrs. Malchow’s parents in Monterey.
  • The Wilder public school held its commencement exercises at the College Chapel on Friday evening. The program was well rendered from start to finish and each graduate delivered his part with credit to himself and teacher. The singing deserves special comment as it is very seldom that its equal in harmony, time and pathos are heard from those who only receive elementary instruction in vocal music. Those who graduated this year were: Misses Helen Swanson, Edna Wallace, Clara Iverson, and George Gibb. Saturday evening the class gave a three course banquet, at which twenty-seven plates were laid, which was loaded with dainties. Following the banquet several toasts were responded to, which made the evening pass quickly and in the wee small hours of the morning the school children escorted Miss Riley to the train who left for her home at Lake Crystal. We understand that she has been re-elected by the board of trustees, as principal for the coming year.

    Submitted by Holly L Healey

    This page was last modified: Saturday, October 19, 2002