Jackson County, MN Society Pages
Source: "Lakefield Herald", Lakefield, Jackson County, Minnesota.
Date: Friday, December 22, 1899.
Local Items:
- A quiet weeding occurred Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John PAULSON, at which time Mr. O.B. OLSON, of the State Bank, and Miss Julia PAULSON were united in marriage by Rev. O.J. WAGNILD. Only the immediate friends of the contracting parties were present. Mr. and Mrs. OLSON left Thursday morning for a trip to the coast, expecting to be gone about three months. -- Jackson Republic.
- Mrs. E. OWENS, of Jackson, died Tuesday of heart failure.
- Carl NESTRUD, who lives north of town, has been quite sick for the past few days, but is at present writing slowly improving.
- About thirty of the friends of Miss Mamie WOOLSTENCROFT run in a nice little surprise on her last Monday evening, the occasion being the nineteenth anniversary of her birth, when after presenting her with a number of appropriate and useful articles, the tables in the dining room of the Wavertree hotel were set aside and the MILLER brothers got out their violins and the fun commenced, which was kept until about two o'clock, when, after wishing their young hostess many happy returns of the happy event, they took their departure for their respective homes, well satisfied with their evening's sport. -- Heron Lake Times.
- The following Sioux Valley items are taken from the last issue of the Lake Park News:-- Quite a heavy rain fell in this vicinity Saturday, freezing Sunday, leaving the roads in pretty bad condition . . . . Mr. A. VOLBERDING had a horse severely cut in the wire fence Thursday, December 7th . . . . Mr. John WEIBENER returned Saturday from a few days' visit with relatives and friends at Hartley, Ia . . . . Mr. Ben THODE had the misfortune to lose one of his horses last Friday. While leading it out of the stable it became frightened and jumped on top of a post, injuring it so badly it had to be killed . . . . Mr. WRIGHTMAN, father of Mrs. Hans BROCKMAN, returned to his home in Tama county, Iowa, last Friday, after a few weeks' visit with his daughter.
- J.W. MUIR was over from Jackson Wednesday afternoon.
- W.H. RANDALL a real estate agent from Jackson, was in the city Tuesday.
- Sept. WARD, of the Fairmont Telephone Co., was in the city a few days this week.
- John LEVENICK, of the Model, leaves here tomorrow to spend Christmas at Blue
- Earth.
- Burgess JONES one of the successful business men of Kinbrae, was visiting old friends in Lakefield, Tuesday.
- Mrs. W.D. COLE an daughter arrived here this week from Lafayette, Ind. to visit her parents Mr. and Mrs. D.L. RILEY.
- Miss Nettie SAWYER, of Grinell, Ia., arrived here Thursday for a visit with her brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Will SAWYER.
- A brother of Mrs. KALFS, with his wife, arrived here yesterday from Bancroft, Neb., for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. KALFS.
- Misses Tena and Nora WESNER, of Blue Earth, are expected to arrive here tomorrow for a visit with relitives (sic) during the holidays.
- Misses Ethel ANDERSON and Lizzie B, who are attending our high school, will spend the holidays at their homes in Ewington.
- Miss Mamie WOOLSTENCROFT and Mr. O.C. HENSELL, both of Heron Lake, were married in Jackson last Monday, Judge J.A. GOODRICH officiating.
- Mrs. Frank MCCOLM, of Adrian, visited relatives here a few days last week.
- She was on her way home from a visit with her parents at Minnesota Lake.
- Miss Mable RILEY came up from Winona, where she is attending the State Normal and will spend her holiday vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D.L. RILEY.
- Albert RUTH went to St. Paul about two weeks ago where he made application for admission into the army, passed a satisfactory examination, and on the 15th left for California on his way to the Philippines.
- Miss Hattie LUTZ, of Minnesota Lake, visited a few days in this city last week, being the guest of Miss Minnie DEUSER. Miss LUTZ left here Monday for Adrian, where she will visit her sister, Mrs. F.G. MCCOLM.
- Mr. and Mrs. Geo. JOHNSON left last Tuesday afternoon for Los Angeles, California, where they will spend the winter. The continued ill health of Mrs. JOHNSON made it necessary that a change of climate be sought. We wish them a safe and pleasant journey and a speedy return to Lakefield.
- Mrs. TURNER, of Marion county, Nebraska, is visiting her son, Z.M. TURNER.
- Geo. THOMPSON, of Pelican Point, visited his brother Alex at Worthington several days last week.
- On account of the appearance of diphtheria in Blue Earth, the public schools have been closed and will remain so until after New Years.
- John WEIBNER and wife, Mr. and Mrs. SCHWAGER's of Sioux Valley visitors, returned to their home at Durant Monday evening. -- Lake Park News.
- T. CONDON an H. ACKERT have gone up into Montana where they will put in the winter working on the new railroad lines that are being constructed.
- On account of the dark clouds, the eclipse of the moon that was billed to appear last Saturday evening, failed to materlize (sic), or at least war (sic) not to be seen from here.
- J.R. LEONARD, (Roy) who was at one time employed in THE HERALD office, and left here to take an interest in the Hetland, S.D., Herrld, has sold his interest there and is at present employed in the News office at Luverne.
- John WOOD, who is attending college at Austin, will be home for the holidays.
- Fred SCHULDT will be home from the University tomorrow to spend the holidays at home.
- Frank RILEY will be home tomorrow from Minneapolis to spend the holidays with his parents.
- Mrs. L.N. DUCHAINE and Miss Lillian POWELL visited with Mrs. George WILLIAMSON, of Jackson, a few hours Wednesday.
- Mrs. ACKERT returned one day last week from an extended visit with friends in Jackson.
- Ye editor and wife will spend Christmas at home of Mr. and Mrs. P.F. MURPHY, in Sioux Valley township.
- F.R. MARS, the carpenter, who has been at work near Prarire (sic) Junction for the past few weeks, has returned to Lakefield.
- The Worthington Herald states that A.N. CHENEY, well known here, will open a branch general store at Reading, a new town on the Burlington extension in Nobles county. Mr. CHENEY now conducts one of the largest stores in Worthington, and must need branch out in order to keep up with the procession.
- Lakefield people who have done any traveling on the Omaha will be sorry to learn that Conductor MONTE, one of the oldest employes (sic) on the road, is in a very precarious condition. The Windom Reporter says: We understand that Conductor MONTE will be taken to California in a few days, where he will spend the winter if he lives. He has been very sick with kidney trouble for several weeks, and does not seem to improve.
- Mrs. J.G. CHISTLE, of this city, visited Worthington friends last Sunday.
- Frank MARS drove to Worthington Sunday.
- The Norwegian Lutheran congregation will have services on Christmas day at 2:00 o'clock p.m., and Christmas tree on the 18th inst, at 7:00 p.m. -- Rev. D. SWENSON.
- We believe there is a good opening in Lakefield for a resident dentist. A good man who understood his business would find this a good point to practice his profession.
- John SICKLER and Claude LIVERMORE have purchased a hardware business at Lakefield and will take possession on Jan. 10. They are bright and enterprising young men. SICKLER is a good tinner and the News predicts that they will make a success of the new undertaking. We are sorry that Fairmont is to lose them, but what is our loss is Lakefield's gain. -- Fairmont News.
- Try the home bacon at Frank WHITE's meat market.
- The finest line of Chinaware and holiday goods in town are to be found at J.C. VANSLYKE's.
- Buy your Christmas turkey at RHODES' meat market.
The Model Clothing and Shoe House.
WESNER & LEVENICK, Proprietors.
Overcoats and Ulsters Special Sale -- For Two Weeks.
- 9739-A gray mixture brown and gray, $7, now goes for . . . $5.25.
- 1915-An all wool black dress coat for $10, this sale for . . . $6.98.
- 5530-All wool Frieze 36 ounce, fancy serve lining, for $12, now goes for $10.75.
- 5420-Made of all wool, Beaver, extra fine, for $16; while this sale lasts
- for $14.00. You can't match this coat in town, regardless of price.
- 5415-An all wool Imperial Elysian, the heaviest coat on the market at $18, now $16.00.
- 9703-A good heavy Beaver, black, for $8, now goes at . . . $6.45.
- 9691-An all wool Beaver, an elegant dress coat, for $10, now at $8.75.
- 9716-A handsome brown Beaver, velvet collar, all wool, for $11, at this sale $9.50.
C.M. & St. P. Ry. Time Table.
Passenger Trains.
No. 1, West at 12:05 p.m.
No. 4, East at 3:06 p.m.
No. 95 West at 5:40 a.m.
No. 73 West at 9:15 p.m.
No. 74 East at 2:45 a.m.
No. 96 East at 1:55 p.m.
All Carry passengers.
L.L. STEWART, Agent.
Submitted by: Colleen Boose